Research Papers and reports
National Park Service. Subsistence Fishing on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers: Final Report. National Park Service, National Capitol Region Ethnography Program. January 2020.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. United States’ Contribution to the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations regarding Ocean Science and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. June 2019.
Cohen, Amber, Noel Lopez, and Katie Geddes. Subsistence Fishing in Urban Parklands: A Reflection on Ethnography and Policy. Practicing Anthropology 39(3) 2017.
National Park Service. Subsistence Fishing on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers: Interim Report. National Park Service, National Capitol Region Ethnography Program. August 2016.
Geddes, Katie. Introduction to Applied Research for Cultural Change: Local Organizational Responses. Practicing Anthropology 38 (2) 2016.
White House Council on Environmental Quality. Wildlife Wins: Obama Administration Successes in Protecting Our Nation’s Species. May 2016.
Geddes, Katie. Culture, Conflict, and the Chesapeake. Practicing Anthropology 38(3) 2016.
Geddes, Katie and Abigail Arnold. Transition Planning and Process for Artificial Intelligence: NOAA Office of Research, Transition, and Application (ORTA) and Testbeds and Proving Grounds. 5th NOAA AI Workshop on Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Sciences. Virtual. September 2023.
Geddes, Katie and Cara Wilson. Earth Observations for Fisheries & Aquaculture Site Selection - Workshop. GEO Blue Planet Symposium. Accra, Ghana. October 2022.
Geddes, Katie and Cara Wilson. Earth Observations for Fisheries and Aquaculture - Plenary Talk. GEO Blue Planet Symposium. Accra, Ghana. October 2022.
Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Ward Appeltans, Francisco Arias, Lenore Bajona, Sergey Belov, Tim Boyer, Sky Bristol, Jan-Bart Calewaert, Sheldon Carter, Gabrielle Canonico, Alison Clausen, Taco De Bruin, Rorie Edmunds, Champika Gallage, Katie Geddes…et al. Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. AGU Fall Meeting. Virtual. December 2020.
Geddes, Katie. High Level Overview of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Sustainable Ocean Alliance Connects Conference. Virtual. September 2020.
Geddes, Katie. U.S.-Brazil Cooperation in Ocean Science, Natural Disaster/Risk Reduction Management, and Earth Observation. Fifth Meeting of the Brazil-U.S. Joint Commission on Science and Technology. Brasilia, Brazil. March 2020.
Geddes, Katie. Lightning Round II: Early Career Professional Presentations. Global Ocean Science Education (GOSE) Workshop. Reston, VA. November 2019.
Geddes, Katie. Celebrating NOAA-INPE Cooperation. CPTEC 25th Anniversary. Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil. November 2019.
Geddes, Katie. High Level Overview of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. NOAA Regional Collaborators Network Conference. Silver Spring, MD. August 2019.
Cohen, Amber, Noel Lopez, and Katie Geddes. Subsistence Fishing in the DMV. Anthro+ Conference. College Park, MD. March 2017.
Geddes, Katie. Conflicting Viewpoints of Environmentalists and Watermen: Implications for Chesapeake Bay Management. Panel: Fishing and Government Regulations: the Intersection of Public, Private, and Community Interests. Society for Applied Anthropology. Vancouver, BC. March 2016.
Geddes, Katie. Conflicting Viewpoints of Environmentalists and Watermen: Implications for Chesapeake Bay Management. Panel: Communities and their Environments. Anthro+ Conference. College Park, MD. March 2016.
Geddes, Katie. Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Watermen Environmentalism. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Guest Seminar. December 2015.
Geddes, Katie. Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Watermen Environmentalism. Salisbury College Department of Environmental Studies Guest Lecture. September 2015.
Geddes, Katie. Spatial Variation of Picoplankton in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Poster Presentation. Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2013.
chaired conference sessions
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning in the NOAA Testbeds and Proving Grounds. NOAA Testbeds and Proving Grounds Coordinating Committee (TBPGCC) Annual Meeting. College Park, MD. February 2023.
Brazil-US Workshop on Oil Spill Response and Restoration. Virtual. May 2021.
Earth Observation Working Group. 5th Brazil-United States Joint Commission on Science and Technology Cooperation. Brasilia, Brazil. March 2020.
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. American Geophysical Union Town Hall. Washington, DC. December 2018.
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. MTS/IEEE Oceans’18 Special Session. Charleston, SC. October 2018.
Blue Economy (Global and Domestic Perspectives). Marine Technology Society/IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Oceans’18 Special Session. Charleston, SC. October 2018.
The Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement. Marine Technology Society/IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Oceans’17 Town Hall. September 2017.
Global Ocean Mapping. Marine Technology Society/IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Oceans’17 Town Hall. September 2017.
opinion pieces
Berman, Gabriella and Katie Geddes. Closing the Regulatory Gap: How Third-Party Regulations Could Complement the Forthcoming Deep-Sea Mining Regulatory Scheme. Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) Deep-Sea Life Newsletter. September 2023.
Blog Posts
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), U.S. Scientists Integral to Sustainable Management of Atlantic Tunas
NOAA Office of Research, Transition, and Application (ORTA), ORTA Conducts Outreach with NOAA Offices and Local Partners in Miami
NOAA Ocean Explorer, Illuminating the Deep: ROV Odysseus
NOAA Ocean Explorer, Into the Belly of the Beast: An Inside Look at Nancy Foster’s Engine Room
UMD School of Public Policy in Indonesia, Orangutans in North Sumatra
in the press
University of Miami News, Students, Faculty Members Participate at UN Climate Talks
University of Miami News, For Second Year in a Row, UM Team Wins First Place at Environmental Law and Policy Hack Competition
All Atlantic Research and Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean, The Importance of Cross-Ocean Collaboration – Interview with Katie Geddes
Canção Nova, Referência mundial, CPTEC celebra duas décadas e meia de existência
U.S. Embassy in Brazil, U.S.-Brazil Environmental Cooperation
U.S. Embassy in Brazil, Fifth Meeting of the Brazil-U.S. Joint Commission on Science and Technology Held in Brasilia
Chesapeake Quarterly, Maryland's Knauss Marine Policy Fellows
Maryland Sea Grant, Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Finalists